
What do glue sticks, crayons, highlighters and notebooks have in common?

That's right, school!!! With the school year less than a week away, we (almost) finished our school supply shopping today! All we have left is to track down some specific binders and to take Mariah to get her backpack when she returns from Minnesota. Exhausting. This one needs plastic folders with pockets and brads, this one needs folders without brads...two of them need 5 ~ 1/2 inch view thru binders a piece... and we won't even go into the time it takes one little lady and her cute as can be big brother to pick out lunchbags! But after much consideration and a little gentle persuasion from momma we did get the lunchbags, we got backpacks, and pencils~mechanical and regular, and pens~ red and blue and all of the other things that make a school year successful (or so they tell me).

And I, got a little something for me too...see that miniature globe in the picture? Yup, that is mine. Has to be the cutest pencil sharpener that I have ever seen!!! Funny part of that is that I do not write with pencils, ever, for any reason...but that is ok. It is ok because it was $1.29, and as I see it sitting on my desk, it makes me think of all the places I would love to go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey I saw your blogspot when I was looking at your facebook! I prefer blogspot much better! I sure enjoyed seeing photos of everyone!!! Now that I know you have one I will check more often. I am rarely on facebook. Anyway...School supplies???!!!! I about had a heart attack when I bought Jerids....$100. Good-grief!!
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Dan and JeriLyn Burgett