January 4th. A year ago my husband had a pretty serious medical "incident". That is what I call it, an incident. I cannot believe how thankful I am to have him with me. I have given much consideration today to the past year. To the times that we have had that were happy and sad and hard and wonderful and trying and beautiful. Not that much unlike any of the other years that we have spent together really, other than for the fact that I am uniquely aware of the fact that this life is inherently temporal...and that every day I have with this man, this amazing gift from above...each single day is just that, a gift. Another chance to be thankful for what we have with each other. Another chance to see who he is, and who I am when I am with him. Another chance to enjoy the little people we are blessed to have and the friends and family that we share.
That day for me was a defining moment, a slice of time that is forever etched in my mind. I will never forget the way that it felt to go through that time, nor will I ever forget the people that were faithful to walk through it with me. But it is one I would wish on no one and one that I hope to never have to repeat. Amazingly enough though it is one that I am thankful for, because it put me in touch with reality. It made me intimately acquainted with how close God is to us, how much we really need to depend on him for every single moment. How extremely fragile our existence is. And it opened my eyes to something that I had not given consideration to before. My husband, my closest and most intimate friend, is a blessing in my life. One that I need to remember to thank God for everyday, because there is no promise of tomorrow, there is only right now. So as we all celebrate thanksgiving in November, this is my own personal Thanksgiving day, January 4th.