
Sodom and Gomorrah

SO...Melissa has decided to read through the whole Bible. She is fascinated by the fact that I have read the whole thing and so she is on a mission to get through it herself. She is to chapter 19 in Genesis so far. As she was reading this morning, I heard her say "Oh that's just nasty!" I could not wait to hear what it was that she thought was nasty...and I did not have to wait long.

She came scurrying across the room and flopped her Bible down on my desk. Serious as can be she read me the following verse~

Gen. 19:5 {They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."} When she finished reading that she turned to me with a disgusted look on her face and she said, "I had no idea that the Bible was so nasty!"

After a little giggle on my part I explained to her that there are lots of nasty things that happened in Bible times...we talked about it for a while and as she walked back to the chair to read some more she said, "Well, I can't even imagine what else I am going to find in here!!"

I can't wait for her to discover what I have known all matter how many books you read in your lifetime, the Bible is the very best one EVER!!

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