
A year in Pictures blogging has left a little to be desired this year, but to redeem myself I have put together a little gift for you. Pics of our year. Enjoy.

~~we started the year at papa mike's & celebrated grandma cindy's birthday. we even made her a cake!~~

~~sisters playing in the snow~~

~~in march we took a trip to topeka & got to hang out with our cousins~~


~~mike worked on my car & did a great job~~

~~all the kids got baptized this year~~

~~also got to see God's awesome beauty at the baptism~~

~~we did a little hiking~~

~~we came to grips with our love of old navy manequins~~

~~we went to an REO Speedwagon concert~~

~~rye is still in love with trees~~

~~our christmas tree this year~~

~~we got bunnies this year~~

~~more bunny pics~~

~~lissa had her birthday party at the bowling alley~~

~~we discovered our deep love for build-a-bear~~

~~morgan is now 65 pounds~~

~~and mike broke his finger~~

~~brent giving his "employee of the year" speech

~~brent's award~~