
parents of a t-e-e-n-a-g-e-r-

Yes, that is right...as of yesterday brent and i are officially the parents of a teenage boy... there are so many words to describe how i feel about this moment...the first one would be older. as i got off to a earlier start than most of my friends in having children, i get to experience all of the definitive moments of life first~ wishing they would walk and talk...which is quickly followed by wishing that they would sit and be quiet...potty training..taking a bath without you in the room...kindergarten... intermediate school...the day when you go to pick up your son from school and realize that yes, that is your son sitting on the steps with several girls sitting there with him!!! and ah yes, this moment. the one that tells you that you really are more than half way to them being an adult. and how did that happen? how did your little man go from being totally dependant on you to wishing that you would give him a little space and a later bedtime? well, to all of those of you who are following a few years behind on this path of parenthood, all i can say is that there are no real answers. no specific way to do this thing right. all we can do is hope that our kids grow up to love Jesus, continue to love their momma's ...and pray that those girls my super cute young man is talking to love Jesus, too. of all of the sons that there are in the world, i am so glad that this one is mine...

1 comment:

walkers said...

cheers to you, an amazing mom! you don't look a day over 25! a beautiful sentiment, thanks for sharing. hug that sweet teenage boy for us!